Enabling Strategies for Sustainable Business


We offer a range of services, including but not limited to the following:

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are required by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for various businesses. As the name suggests, EIA theoretically looks into the processes involved in the various phases of a project and analyses its impact on its surrounding environment. A project needs to have an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the resulting report of the EIA, in order to get an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC).

The extensiveness of the EIS shall depend on the scale and status of the project. The required submission may be any of the following:

– Initial Environmental Examination

– Environmental Impact Statement

                                                           – Environmental Performance Review and Management Plan

                                                           – Certificate of Non-Coverage


Environmental Compliance Permits are required for operations of facilities. Upon assessment of a project’s impacts through the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), a project may begin in the construction of its facility/ies until it is ready to commence operation. Depending on the assessed impacts, a facility may be required to have a permit for the following:

– Permit to Operate Air Pollution Sources

– Wastewater Discharge Permit

– Hazardous Waste Generator

– Priority Chemical List Certification

– Hazardous Waste Treatment, Transportation and Disposal

– Chemical Control Orders for Controlled Substances

Compliance Monitoring Reports are required on a regular interval by the DENR for operating facilities. The following reports include:

– Quarterly Self-Monitoring Report (SMR)

– Bi-Annual Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR)

Third-party Compliance Audits may be required by the DENR, typically conducted on an annual basis or more frequent for those required by their lenders (e.g. quarterly). The audit criteria is compliance to Philippine Environment-relevant legislation and requirements, including conditions set in the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) issued at the beginning of the project. To know if you are required by DENR to have a compliance audit, check the issued ECC. This requirement is usually, but not limited, for large ECPs like Fossil-fueled Power Plants.

There are various aspects of the environment that may need to be studied in detail by a project / facility / business entity. Technical studies may be to establish baselines for determining feasibility of projects or to determine appropriateness of current mitigating measures or management design. Some of these studies include:

– Air Dispersion Modeling

– Ecological Assessment

– Socio-Economic Assessment

– Hydrological Studies

– Carbon Footprint

Strategies can be developed and implemented to enhance the environmental performance of a facility and/or its product/s. These strategies may go beyond compliance yet improvement is not limited to environmental responsibility but also to the operational performance of the facility itself.

– Product Greening (can be used for product green certifications)

– Life Cycle Assessments

Strategies can be developed and implemented to enhance the environmental performance of a facility and/or its product/s. These strategies may go beyond compliance yet improvement is not limited to environmental responsibility but also to the operational performance of the facility itself.

– Product Greening (can be used for product green certifications)

– Life Cycle Assessments

There are various requirements for EHS compliance, local or international wise. It can be assessed in a manner of different methods depending on your requirement or suitability to your process/facility. Some of the EHS services include::

– Hazards and Operability Study

– Environment, Health and Safety Risk Assessment

– Environment, Health and Safety Program Development

To know more about what we can do for you, contact us via our online form in our homepage or email us at hello@envariconsulting.com